BLEU ELECTRIQUE ROMANIA is the subsidiary of a French company olden then 40 years under the brand CCEI Bleu Electrique started the activity in Romania in 2002. Our company is creating and manufacturing equipment for public and private pools.
We offer a wide range of smart devices for professionals of pool market in order to facilitate pool management and improve user comfort. We don’t have yet a department for energy metering, because we are a small company, but our company works on several levels in order to be more energy efficient.
Significant investments have been made in recent years to enlarge with 35% the space of construction, to modernize the building and assure the safety of the workers.

The efficiency of energy consumption is obvious.
Even if the consumers increased proportionally with the extended area, the consumption of energy is almost same like before the extension itself.
We made:
Investments in buildings and equipment
Illumination spots have been fitted to reduce artificial lighting in offices and in the space from production

A large part of the lighting installations has been replaced with economical LED installations.

Also, an automated irrigation system has been implemented

And after:

The investment regarding the building improvement was around 350.000 euro
Investments on production lines:
Some of technological equipment was replaced with new, energy efficient equipment, with low energy consume.

The implementation of the new production lines led to the diminution of the used electrical equipment.

Investments in our products
The technical team and the management of the company collaborate in order to develop equipment for swimming pools products that fully satisfy the customers in order to reduce the consumption of electricity.
Every year we produce several tens of thousands of devices.
We are constantly looking for innovative products and regularly we make new products to improve light efficiency and their lifetime.
RGBW invests in the lighting market.
For several years, we produce lighting for pool with LED bulbs, cheaper and more resistant than incandescent bulbs that offer unmatched performance with a life of tens of thousands of hours.
The color produced is improved. These are purer, more natural very useful for lighting the garden, a true source of visual comfort and calm.
Another important point is that this technology is still energy efficient: we get the same brightness with less watts consume.I
n the future we will designate an energy manager, responsible with energy efficiency improvements.