Contribution to the Virtual Power Plant
Energy program in dalli Timisoara Plant
The contribution to the powerplant is: 88,6 kWp
Timisoara Plant is a recent addition to dalli company, since 2015, as it has been acquired from P&G company.
Our core business has remained in the same area of Fast Moving Consumer Goods, House & Fabric Cleaning Products adding to Brands also the Discount Market.
The need for a sustainable and efficient plant from energy consumption point of view already existed in P&G and was taken over by dalli as well in day to day business.
Several challenges have been solved during this 10 years program:
- LED installation for all new projects cutting the constant need for work at height in heavy production areas to energy consumption improvement.
- Heating in several warehouse areas was also solved with minimal investment and zero on-going cost of utilities by re-using existing resources from compressor units.
- Plant logistic flow was massively redesigned, reducing from 25000 km annual cumulated distance, to less the 10000 km.
- Invertors for all motors/pumps in all production departments
- Condensate recuperation from the steam system throughout the plant
- Civil upgrade on insulation and windows
- Sensors on all lighting which can be used via daylight/movement sensor
- Compressed air leakages audit
- Master control on compressor room to increase efficiency on equipment utilization
- LED lighting upgrades on several areas in the plant
- Infrared camera audit on all electrical cabinets in the plant
- HVAC automation & monitoring
The program has achieved 40% improvements in energy consumption overall in the plant.
A major reconstruction project started in the last 2 years providing opportunities to upgrade the existing standards with the latest technologies:
- LED lighting in all the new area constructed:
- Mixing area
- Filling area
- Tank-farm area
- Palletisation/Distribution Centre area
- Offices Building
- Compressor room designed to re-use hot air in order to heat during winter, warehouse areas.
- Logistic flow major redesign
- Transformers station & site layout preparation for future energy saving projects
1. Upgrade on LED lighting
Depending on each area, there were several types of luminaires used:
- 164W, 25.000lm, 4000K, Wide beam – projector type of LED light (replacement of 400W projector)
- 30-46W, 4300lm-6400lm, 4000k, Wide beam – 150cm – replacement of T26 -2x36W traditional lighting
- 35-53W, 5240lm-7900lm, 4000K, wide beam – 150cm – replacement of T26 -2x36W traditional lighting chemicals/steam resistant
- 36W, 3600lm – 4x18W replacement (600mm x 600mm)

This project concludes an annual saving of approximately 394 MWh with about 47KW saving in output.
2. Compressor room designed to re-use hot air in order to heat during winter, warehouse areas
As a new compressor room has been built and it is known that 85% of the energy consumed by a compressor is dissipated energy through heat, several projects have been put in motion in order to bring as much efficiency as possible.
There are several areas where projects are addressed:
- Old generation compressors replaced with new generation ones – done
- Using hot air generated by compressor units to increase temperature by 10 degrees Celsius on adjacent warehouse areas – done
- New master control system to optimize use of all compressors units – planned
- Generate hot water with heat exchanger incorporated in the compressor unit and re-use it on offices building – planned
The needed system to heat up the adjacent area of the warehouse would have a capacity of approximately 170 kW and it is no longer necessary due to this project.
The annual saving is about 490 MWh.

The system diverts hot air from compressor exhaust, into the Warehouse, for 3-5 months per year, depending on temperatures.
3. Logistic flow major redesign
The logistic flow redesign hasreduced from 25000 km annual cumulated distance or forklift travel, to less the 10000 km.
This gives a saving in energy consumption of forklift fleet of about 180 MWh.
4. Transformers station & site layout preparation for future energy saving projects
All new buildings have been designed to accommodate future photovoltaic panels that generate electricity.
The area that can sustain this is about 5000 sqm.
Transformers station is built with new generation efficient dry transformers and with back-up capacity for future projects.
5. Total savings and contribution to the VPPP:
- LED lights: 394 MWh
- Compressor room: 490 MWh
- Logistics redesign: 180 MWh
- Total savings: 1.064 MWh
PVPPP= QVE x η / τCS
PVPPP – Energy Saving accounted in the Virtual Power plant
QVE – The full energy saving, meaning the basis of the calculations
η – average powerplant efficiency
τCS – annual peak hours of the power plant
The contribution to the powerplant is: 88,6 kWp