KERO Energy Saving Projects 2015 – 2019
Kimball Electronics Romania started activity in a green field facility in Remetea Mare, Timis County, Romania, in November 2015.
Kimball Electronics Romania started activity in a green field facility in Remetea Mare, Timis County, Romania, in November 2015.
TA2U is the main Romanian IT systems and solutions integrator, IT products and services provider and one of the most certified companies on the Romanian IT market (technical, business and quality).
Contribution to the Virtual Power Plant Energy program in dalli Timisoara Plant The contribution to the powerplant is: 88,6 kWp Timisoara Plant is a recent addition to dalli company, since…
The main activity of Continental Automotive Romania is production of electronic devices and research and development for automotive area. In 2018, the Company's total electricity consumption was 40500 MWh and total gas consumption was 8800 MWh. In our location is implemented ISO 50001 standard for Energy Management system and the strategy and for increase the efficiency of energy consumption.
The Local District Heating Company Colterm SA Timisoara has as object of activity: production, transportation, distribution and supply of heat power; production and sale/supply of electric power.
BLEU ELECTRIQUE ROMANIA is the subsidiary of a French company olden then 40 years under the brand CCEI Bleu Electrique started the activity in Romania in 2002. Our company is creating and manufacturing equipment for public and private pools.
Aquatim ensures the provision of water supply and wastewater collection services in Timișoara and throughout the Timiș County, Romania. Our mission is to provide quality water and sewerage services, without harming the natural resources, the environment, the human health and safety. The main activities of the company are: water collection, treatment and supply (NACE code 3600) and Sewerage (NACE code 3700).
In year 2007, Michel Thierrry Group, one of the textile leading fabricants of the automotive textile industry decided to expand his activity, by opening a new flame lamination plant in Timisoara, Romania. Production started with first RSA/Dacia projects in the month of March 2008, continuing with other projects during the same Year for customers like Volkswagen, PSA, Toyota.
A FŐTÁV Zrt. (FŐTÁV) fő tevékenysége a főváros 17 kerületére kiterjedő távhőszolgáltatás, amely tulajdonképpen a felhasználók fűtési és használati melegvíz célú hőigényének kielégítéséhez szükséges hőszolgáltatást jelenti a kiépített távhőrendszereken keresztül. Távhőrendszereinkben a saját fűtőműveinkben előállított, valamint a kis- és nagyerőművektől vásárolt hőenergiát mintegy 550 km nyomvonal-hosszúságú, nagyrészt földbe fektetett távhővezeték hálózaton keresztül juttatjuk el több, mint 243 000 lakossági és csaknem 2 000 nem lakossági felhasználónkhoz.
Vállalatunknál 2018. évben megvalósított és energiafelhasználásunkra pozitív hatással lévő projektjeink eredményeként 1.471.535,85 GJ/év megtakarítást értünk.